
Final entry

I think that this course was so productive for me: I reach my goal of pass bulats exam, and I got B2!. That exam was really exciting for me because I was really worried about it, and during the test I felt it really hard, that and also the fact that I didn't felt like a B1-B2 student make me feel really bad before the exam. Right now I feel confident about me and my english, I know that I need to practice a lot, because a lot of times I do mistakes that can be avoided studying a little bit more.  My plans to improve my english are study hard collocations, connectors, practice a lot on forums, and that kind of things that I do usually. Read more articles on english, and watch movies and news on it. If I practice a lot my english, I will improve a lot of things.

Curriculum Vitae

Why we need to write a CV? The reason is very simple: we are living in a competitive world, and that world is really hard: you can be applying for a post and you can see that german, chinese, japanese and italian people are applying too. You can be the most apropied for the post, but if your CV isn't quite organized, the recruiter could lose important details about you, and as a result of that, lose the job.  Mega download Google Drive Download

Open Cloze example

Open cloze: In this kind of exercise you need to fill gaps with the apropiated word. The most important part of this, is being able to understand the context of the sentence. If you know the context, you will have an idea of what kind of word you should put. Then you need to know the parts of a speech, the reason is simple: you need to follow a gramatical rule, you can't put any word as you want or you will make mistakes.  In bulats this is one of the easiest part, you can read the context of the sentence and then you have enough clues to guess the word, and with basic knowledge about grammatical rules, you can be able to answer without any problem. You can watch an example of this questions on my video: 

Error correction: A formal E-Mail

The reason of writting e-mails in the class is very simple: You need to be able to talk with people from other countries about business. You can try to avoid doing this, but if you are the owner of a business, you are closing your own market. In my case, I have a printing center, and two months ago I understood why is important to be able to talk with suppliers. I used to buy all my raw material with local suppliers but one day one of my printers had a problem with the headprinter. I did a quotation with my local suppliers as usual, and a friend of me passed me the business card of one of his suppliers in china. I did my e-mail asking about the headprinter, at the end I bought my headprinter in a half of the price with the chinese supplier.  In class, we did a similar activity, but using a scholar environment instead of a business, the main reason is because we are going to write e-mails to other universities to be able to do interchanges and things like that.  Instr...

We are here again!

Welcome again! I'm Raúl Rodríguez Gutiérrez, a student of third semester of mechatronics engineering.  There are two reasons why I'm studying english, the first one is the fact that most of the modern systems are built by people who is working for american/british companies and, therefore, all the instructions to operate or fix that kind of machines are written in english. The second is really close to the first reason: A lot of articles are written in this language,  I remember some research I did the past semester about Lithium Batteries. All the information that I find was in english, at least, the most powerful and a lot of important databases where on that language.  This blog will be related to business english, the reason is that I, as a engineer, will need to be able to speak and write a lot of work e-mails, fill CV forms, and be as formal as possible, this will show that I'm a professional, and that open a lot of opportunities of growing. As a student, th...

A day in a life of Elon Musk

This audio is about the life of Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla.  In this audio I used present simple and past simple. I think Elon has a very busy life, because he is the CEO of 2 companys, and isn't easy to coordinate both at the same time. Nowadays he try to mix both, because Tesla needs technology to storage energy, and Solar City have the answer.  Here is my audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yNV_e7lJIWTmNDWHFzdVQyRUE/view?usp=sharing

Final Entry

This is my video talking about my Remedial IV course, I think it was very challenging for me, because we needed to record videos and voice, and I feel very nervous when I record myself.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yNV_e7lJIWQmtaRU0zZXNfSzA/view?usp=sharing Interesting sites to visit:  http://www.sas.upenn.edu/onlinelearning/ https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/es http://www.ef.com.mx/recursos-aprender-ingles/gramatica-inglesa/simple-present/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqch5OrUPvA https://es.coursera.org/learn/wharton-launching-startup